Monday, January 12, 2015

Filling A Dogs Tummy!

With all the information and research about the poor quality of kibble, we strive to buy what we feel is the best quality kibble on the market but I love to cook for the dogs and feel much more comfortable feeding them food that I have cooked. I know nutrient wise it is much better for them. Our challenge is the cost of cooking for ten dogs but I have been cooking more lately and am finding that with the correct recipe I can provide good food and still be frugal with our money. I will begin to post some of the recipes that I will be trying at least once or twice a month. Each recipe should last us a couple of weeks so you may need to cut back on your recipe. Hope this helps. These recipes are from a holistic vet that also parallels the diet with eastern medicine. She will speak of cool and warm foods to heal different ailments, interesting and following! I will also add fish oil to my recipes. We are doing this one this week! 

It's a dreary day, so I decided a nice warm stew was in order for the dogs. I am using 6 pounds of chicken (whole chicken, cut up, will remove bones after cooking). This is a Qi (energy tonic) and is warming. By allowing the bones to cook, I am adding the marrow, which is a Jing tonic to replenish the kidneys. 2.5 pounds of chicken livers as a blood tonic, 1.25 pounds of chicken gizzards and hearts to support the heart (had another pack, but the pot was too full!), 3 parsnips and 2 sweet potatoes. Warming, Qi tonics, root vegetables for Jing. About 1/3 pound of spinach as a Blood tonic and for extra vitamins and minerals, 5 ounces of Shiitake mushrooms which are cooling, draining and cancer-fighting. Two apples were added for fiber. I will add 1 cup of steel cut oats once things cook down a bit, as oats are also warming. This is a 12-quart pot and the total cost of this stew was $34. It will make enough food for our 6 dogs for at least one week. #dogstew #petfood #petcare

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