Monday, January 2, 2012

Lake Superior Training - Biking with Glacier!

Glacier's training takes another turn! The weather was perfect so we went bike riding together! To help build Glacier's muscles for the hike when I walk him a steady trot would be best. Bike riding makes it easy! This is fun but is totally about your dog! My bike stays in low gear for my workout, I only go fast enough to keep him in a gentle trot and I stop when he begins to tire. Watching his breathing and his panting is very important. I stretch Glacier before we begin, do a warm up and then a cool down when finished. It is best to teach your dog left and right also. When I say "Over Gee" he moves slightly to the right and "Over Haw" he moves slightly to the left. This is very important when you are cycling around other people! It is a great sport and I would love to help you train your dog to cycle, they really love it!!

Biker Dog attaches to your back bike frame. If your dog does pull you to the side, the bike bounces instead of falling to the side! With training they won't pull to the side. The clip on the strap hooks to a side link on a special biking harness.

The red rubber stick coming off of the bike attachment is flexible and moves with your dog. Great feature!

The flex stick attaches with a pin, so you can remove it when you don't have your dog with you.

After you have stretched WITH your dog, you're off! This is a great way to build teamwork. Before I brake to stop I cue Glacier "slow" and then he slows down and then I begin to stop. When I stop, I cue Glacier to "wait".

It is a good idea to change the terrain during your workout and the dirt trail is easier on his knees than the concrete. Off road is our favorite.

Off the bike and now it's time for a nice walk to cool down!

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