Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Oh No Banjo! Not the Corn Cob!

Ended the evening with an excellent set of classes, came in to eat dinner, and had just sat down when we realized that Banjo had eaten some turkey and unfortunately one cob of corn! The problem - the cob from corn does not digest well. As soon as we realized what he had done off to the emergency vet we went. One stomach surgery and four hours later, Banjo's stomach was empty and we had the cob. It was broken into a couple of pieces but still large enough to have caused a blockage in his intestine. He is now asleep and we may be able to pick him up tomorrow. He will be on bland food and in the "cone" for two weeks!

I wanted to share this story so that everyone would be aware of how dangerous corn on the cob can be for dogs. If they are in the trash it is wise to take the trash out immediately. If they are on the counter, remove them from the counter or place them where you dogs cannot reach them.

I have seven dogs and two are trash eaters and counter surfers! If you have a counter surfer, management and training is the key. Banjo is two and just started surfing off and on about 2 months ago. Remember, everytime they get something off the counter it reinforces this behavior. We have helped Banjo's behavior by picking up and making sure nothing is in his reach in the kitchen, however last night we let our guard down. We will continue to work with Banjo and his surfing but wanted to give you some incentive to manage and train if you live with a dog where food is a level 10 distraction!

Below is a picture of Banjo's stomach contents. The pink thing is a Valentine's Day dog treat that is still in the shape of a heart! The rest is turkey and the cob that the vet removed from his stomach.  Little man is doing well and resting at the vet's office, hopefully he will come home later today!

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